1. Slim women are usually found attractive
They have thin legs and arms, tight body and absolutely no folds. You bet they are indeed attractive. They are able to slay body fit dresses effortlessly, rock high heels like crazy with their straight posture. And not to mention when they are in lin,,gerie… (ok, bye)

2. Slim women are perceived as sekzually agile
Ok, not hating on my plus size queens but let us face it, slim girls r0ck them fellas really good. You know, they are lighter in weight, easily controllable in bed and all that stuff. So the guys who are equally active in bed wouldn’t want to be cheated. Its like Game of Thrones (think about it).
3. Slim women are usually seen as healthy
I know you might be surprised because probably you know a slim girl who can’t even walk 3 blocks and eats junk like no body’s business. Yeah, my bestie is just like that. But since they are the ones with the flat bellies and smaller waistlines, brisk walks like they are on the Victoria Secret runway and so on, guys naturally want to think they are healthier than the plus-sized ladies. (I know you rolled your eyes again)
4. Slim women seem healthier for having babies
Slim women are perceived healthy, it is like the system is prepared for anything and they have lesser fat, it is believed that the womb is stronger and can easily carry the fetus with no complications.
13-Year-Old Girl Sings the Forbidden Song And Does It So Incredibly Well That It Leaves Judges Pressing Buttons in Hysteria.

Her amazing performance brought the audience to tears, and the judges were in a panic, pressing the buttons frantically.
We haven’t seen such a spectacular demonstration of brilliance in a long time. Seeing the enormous skill that some kids have is quite mesmerizing. Hearing about the innumerable tales of young artists that succeed in performing arts, photography, dance, singing, and so much more despite having little to no official training or preparation is just amazing.

This young girl, who is only 13 years old, enthralled audiences worldwide with her captivating astrological performance. The institution is genuinely amazed. The young girl, Laura, sang “I Will Always Love You,” a well-known Whitney Houston ballad. Although it was surprising to witness a teenage girl embrace a poignant and enigmatic song, Laura demonstrated that musical taste is not defined by age. The fact that 223 million people have already viewed her performance video is astounding.
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