Watch Jesse Watters Sends The View Into A Fit Of Rage With Hilarious Joke

Some stories involve so many odd aspects that they’re hard to believe, such as a recent spat invoIving Target’s woke Santa nutcrackers, Fox News host Jesse Watters joking about those nutcrackers, and the ladies on ABC’s “The View” going absolutely berserk over what he said about them.

As background, Target has decided to ignore whatever lesson it could have Iearned from outrage over aspects of its Pride Month apparel, such as Satanist-designed clothing, and released a number of pieces of woke Christmas decor that, predictably, infuriated conservative groups.

The company’s decision to release such products comes despite its financial losses that some connect to conservative boycotts and outrage.

FNC’s Jesse Watter responded by mocking the woke items, both on FNC and on X. Posting a clip of himself on X, Watters captioned it by mocking the items, saying, We’re witnessing the Dylanization of corporate America.

Companies are committing financial sui cide- one after the other. Target hired Gay Cruella to run their merchandising strategy and now they’re selling g ay nutcrackers and disabled Santa’s. And if you want one, you can just steal it, because they won’t stop you.

Joy Behar of “The View” then got particularly angry about Watters’ remarks, yelling, on the show, You know I realize it’s a compIex idea to get your mind around, Mr. Watters, but does Fox News understand that not every human being is heterose xual and caucasian? I don’t think they see that!

Kim Kardashian Sparks Concern With Her ‘Wonky Eye’ That She ‘Tries to Hide’; Nurse Weighs In

For several weeks, eagle-eyed fans have been accusing reality TV star Kim Kardashian of attempting to conceal a “wonky eye.” Numerous red carpet appearances have featured her right eye hidden beneath a carefully placed fringe, as seen at the OSCARS 2024 Vanity Fair After Party and the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures event. Additionally, paparazzi shots have consistently shown her wearing sunglasses in low-light settings.

Her rumored eye problem has sparked speculation, including a professional opinion from nurse Carolyn Clark.

Clark believes Kardashian is suffering from ptosis, a side effect of improperly administered Botox injections. Ptosis occurs when anti-wrinkle injections are placed too low in the frontalis muscle or eyelid, leading to muscle weakness and a drooping eyelid. Fortunately, the condition is temporary. However, it is important to note that these claims are based on observations and speculation, and there has been no official confirmation from Kardashian or her representatives regarding any Botox treatments or complications.

“Ptosis is something annoying that can happen with Botox… it’s rare, but it does happen. It’s when the Botox is injected a little too low into the frontalis or into the eyelid muscle, and it makes the lid droop. It doesn’t last forever thankfully, it goes away when the Botox wears off.”

Clark shared her thoughts on TikTok, causing a surge of interest and various theories from fans.

Some have suggested that Kardashian’s issue could be related to a lack of sleep, while others believe she may be allergic to Botox. A few have even proposed that the condition could be genetic, drawing attention to similar appearances of her mother’s eyes.

This latest buzz only adds to ongoing speculation about Kardashian’s plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures.

While she has admitted to using Botox, she denies undergoing any further surgical enhancements. However, cosmetic surgery experts disagree, pointing to evidence that suggests multiple non-surgical procedures and possible breast and butt implants.

As one of the world’s most closely watched celebrities, Kim Kardashian is no stranger to public scrutiny and speculation about her appearance. While fans continue to analyze her every move, it is essential to remember that any claims about her cosmetic procedures or alleged complications remain unconfirmed. As with all matters concerning personal health, privacy and respect should be paramount.

Speaking of dramatic changes, Khloé Kardashian recently sported a bold new hair color. We’ll be diving deeper into this fiery transformation in our next piece, so don’t miss out!

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