Starbucks Faces Backlash Following ‘Controversial’ Ad: Critics Slam Company for Going ‘Full Bud Light

Starbucks India stirred controversy and faced calls for boycotts following the release of a commercial set in India that sparked objections, particularly from the right-wing community. The company drew criticism for its latest promotional campaign, which portrayed parents meeting their transgender daughter at a Starbucks outlet.

In the video, a father initially grapples with accepting his daughter’s transition but eventually embraces it by ordering a drink for her under her new name. Starbucks India shared the video on Twitter with the caption, “Your name defines who you are – whether it’s Arpit or Arpita. At Starbucks, we love and accept you for who you are. Because being yourself means everything to us. #ItStartsWithYourName.”

The advertisement faced significant backlash, with political commentator Rukshan Fernando tweeting, “Starbucks facing backlash in India after adopting a full Bud Light approach. Introducing a mediocre US coffee brand to the market wasn’t bad enough; now they bring their woke corporate culture to the Subcontinent.”

In Starbucks India’s comment section, one user expressed dismay, stating, “It’s deeply concerning to witness the rapid erosion of cultural identity in our era. Certain liberal forces persistently normalize practices that seem to undermine our cherished traditions and values.”

Another user questioned Starbucks India’s marketing approach, commenting, “I’m a huge Starbucks fan and spend thousands of rupees in their coffee shops annually. But I can’t comprehend why @StarbucksIndia would launch a woke campaign under the guise of advertising? Can’t they just promote their coffee and service in India?”

A different comment criticized the promotion of what they deemed “immoral values,” asserting, “What are you promoting @Starbucks… Don’t endorse such cultural shifts… We don’t need any lessons on accepting such immoral values… We are Bharatvasis, and we take pride in our civilization.”

“I don’t understand why brands do this… these ads alienate huge portions of the population. Whatever happened to common-sense advertising? Videos like this alienate more customers than they attract. Literally wasting advertising dollars just to virtue signal,” expressed another disgruntled individual.
Watch the controversial ad here:

America has exported woke culture all around the globe, and Starbucks India just provided yet another example of this phenomenon. Since the end of World War II, the United States has been the global hegemon of liberalism, and many other nations have sought to mimic its cuIture.

After 14 years, the woman delivered quadruplets who are identical to each other: Here’s how the girls appear now

Rare occurrences are just that, rare. In a world where the likelihood of twins hovers around a mere 2%, and the chances of quadruplets are as slim as finding a needle in a haystack, the story of Julia defied all odds. Fourteen years ago, during her routine ultrasound, Julia received news that would change her life forever – she was carrying not one, not two, but four embryos in her womb simultaneously.

The complexity of the situation was apparent from the start. The four children were developing in the same placenta, presenting a host of potential health risks. Julia was confronted with the daunting prospect of uncertainty surrounding the health of her babies at birth. Despite recommendations to terminate the pregnancy for the sake of her own health and the presumed well-being of the children, Julia stood firm in her decision to see it through.

After a tense wait, Julia underwent a caesarean section, and to everyone’s relief, all four girls were born healthy. Though two of them initially had lower birth weights, their resilience prevailed as they quickly caught up to their counterparts. Yet, what truly captivated those around them was not merely the fact that Julia gave birth to quadruplets, but the astonishing resemblance shared by all four girls.

Their striking similarity became a hallmark of their identity, with even the closest of observers struggling to discern differences among them. From their features to their mannerisms, the girls seemed almost interchangeable. They even took to wearing identical glasses, further blurring the lines of individuality.

Despite the constant scrutiny and curiosity from others, the girls embraced their shared appearance. In fact, it became a source of pride and distinction for them. Their uncanny likeness catapulted them into the spotlight, attracting attention from various quarters, including offers for collaborations with renowned clothing brands.

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