In the United States, 5–10% of canines are deaf. Some dogs become deaf as they age, while others are born without hearing. A cochleosaccular gene mutation is commonly the cause of hereditary deafness. Dogs with white coats and blue eyes are more likely to have this type of deafness.
Pit bull named Blu has piercing blue eyes and a white coat. Blu is deaf.
She remained unvisited day after day in an animal shelter.
Luckily, business colleagues Mark and Sean were looking to adopt a deaf dog in the San Francisco area. Two were located at Family Dog Rescue. Blu was one of them.
She was vibrant and full of life when Mark and Sean first met her at the shelter. Mark informed GeoBeats Animals that “she took an immediate strong connection to Sean and the rest is pretty much history.”

Blu’s first owners got in touch with them to let them know he had been living with them for six years. Blu was put in a shelter when they were forced to move into a rental home that forbade pit bulls.
One of the guests that stayed in the refuge the longest was Blu.
One of the reasons it took her some time to feel comfortable around her new dads was that she had been alone for a long time.

Blu was unsure about their intentions for her and whether they intended to send her back to the shelter.
“In fact, she was afraid on the first car ride we brought her on to the beach, which was a few days after we bought her.
” Mark said, “She was just shaking in the back.
According to Mark and Sean, Blu’s personality expanded as she felt more at ease around them.

Three years later, Blu still enjoys traveling in cars after receiving lots of love and attention.
Blu was made aware of Mark and Sean’s love and yearning.
They and Blu have grown so close that they have their own unique communication style
Blu can determine where they’re going by watching her father’s movements, and she even sniffs their feet while out on a stroll.

She is probably my spirit animal, I suppose. I can sense when she’s tense, happy, or depressed. Sean said, “We just read each other pretty well.
Blu recognizes that the wiggles on Mark and Sean’s fingers are signs that she is doing okay. Sean’s stern gaze tells her to calm down.
Additionally, they worked with a trainer to teach Blu stress-relieving techniques like stretching.

The fact that Blu is deaf has no effect on how she lives her life or interacts with her new owners.
According to Mark, it only affects Blu’s ability to build relationships with other canines.

It’s beautiful to see how much Blu means to Mark and Sean.
The reciprocity of the emotion is also obvious. Blu seems to be comfortable with her new family, happy, and healthy. We are ecstatic that Blu has found a place to call her new dads home.
Below, you can watch the heartwarming tale of pit bull Blu and her two dads
Sales Assistant Insults My Wife—You Won’t Believe the Revenge I Got Days Later
Recently, my lovely wife decided to turn her love for fashion into a career. She started looking for jobs in retail, thinking it would be a perfect match for her interests.
One afternoon, she came home upset and told me what had happened. Emma explained that earlier that day, she had gone to the shopping center.
While walking around, she noticed a popular lingerie store with a “Now Hiring” sign in the window.

She shared how her excitement quickly faded when she approached the sales assistant to ask about the job.
The rude woman didn’t even look at my wife until she was standing right in front of her. Despite feeling a bit discouraged, Emma still asked about the application process with enthusiasm. Instead of answering kindly, the assistant gave her a nasty look and said:
When Emma got home, she was in tears, heartbroken by the cruel remark. I had never seen her so devastated before, and it shattered me to see her like that.
Over the next few days, I came up with a plan. I called my friend Mike, who works in the fashion industry, and told him what had happened. Mike was eager to help.
“That’s unbelievable,” Mike said on the phone. “I’ll help you out. Let’s give her a taste of her own medicine.” A few days later, I got ready and went back to the lingerie store with Emma’s help.
I made sure the same sales assistant was working that day. I started browsing the aisles, waiting for the right moment. When the store was quiet, I approached the assistant with a friendly smile.
“Hello, I’m looking for something special for my wife. Can you help me?” I asked. Her attitude changed immediately when she saw a potential sale. She became very helpful and started showing me different items.
“Of course, sir! We have a fantastic selection. What’s the occasion?” she asked sweetly. “Just a surprise for my wife. I want to get her something really special,” I replied, acting thoughtful.
How about this piece? It’s one of our bestsellers,” she suggested, holding up a delicate lace set. “Do you think this would look good on her?” I asked, examining the lingerie. “Oh, definitely! It’s one of our top items. She’ll love it,” she assured me.
“Can you show me a few more options? I want to make sure I get the perfect one,” I said, keeping her engaged. As she showed me more pieces, I made small talk to keep her interested. “How long have you worked here?” I asked.
“About six months,” she replied. “It’s a great job if you have the right look for it.” I nodded, pretending to be interested. “Do they hire often?”
“Only when they really need someone. They’re picky about who they hire,” she said with a touch of pride.
I wrapped my arms around her, trying to comfort her. “My love, don’t listen to her. You’re beautiful and talented, and you’re worth so much more than her words,” I told her softly. “But why would she say that?” Emma sobbed. “I just wanted to apply for a job. I didn’t deserve that.”
“She’s small-minded, my angel,” I said, trying to console her. Seeing her so sad made me FURIOUS! No one should ever treat my wife like that and think they can get away with it!
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