Although it is terrible that someone would be so callous as to dump a puppy, fortunately there are good people out there who are prepared to take action and save these abandoned pups.
That happened just now, when a poor dog was abandoned outside in the rain, tethered to a picnic table, until someone came to save him.
A small dog is shown in a video from Stray Rescue of St. Louis strapped to a table in a nearby park’s picnic area.

The footage shows the dog, who was afraid, alone, and drenched from the rain, yelping repeatedly as though pleading for assistance.
However, as Donna, a rescuer, untied the young dog and arrived on the scene, he immediately warmed up to her, as though he realized he was secure.
According to Stray Rescue of St. Louis, “he was so brave when we first approached, but as soon as we got in the Jeep he curled up on Donna’s lap and let out a deep sigh – that sigh said so much.”
“You’re okay, sweet little baby. We’ll take care of your sweet self in no time at all.

The dog was named Wilbur by the rescue. He was “covered in ringworm,” as they found, and they gave him medicinal baths as treatment.
Wilbur was in a caring foster home a few days after his rescue. The Dodo was informed by his foster mother that he was a “snuggle bug” and “doing great.” She remarked, “He wants nothing more than to be loved.”
Although Wilbur’s origins are unknown, it is obvious that he hasn’t been getting the love and attention he deserves. However, the little dog appears to have a bright future ahead of him.
Facebook said, “He’ll never have to be lonely or muster up that much bravery ever again.” This is from Stray Rescue of St. Louis.
I’m grateful that you saved this tangled puppy, pulled him out of the wet, and gave him a fresh start. The expression on his face indicates that he knows he’s in capable hands.
Kindly tell this story to everybody who enjoys dogs!
Your Brain Will Tell Your Secret When You See This Image
The brain is absolutely amazing and at times, we may not be using it to the full. That is why it is so important to ensure that you are exercising your mental abilities because it will pay off in the long run.
They often say that a picture is worth a thousand words but sometimes we may look at an image and determine there is more behind it that we may have first thought.

That is the case with this image that is an abstract stain and an unusual pattern. When you look at it, you may see one thing but somebody else may see something else. Letting us know what you see first tells us a lot about whether you are a left brained or right brained individual.
If you see a hot air balloon, you are more of a left brained individual. This means that you think logically and you tend to analyze every portion of what you are seeing. You aren’t afraid to look for detail.
If you see a jellyfish, you may be more of a right brained individual. These are people who are more creative and use their intuition to think outside of the box. You often have an artistic and visual skill that others don’t have.
The left brain versus right brain is nothing new. People in the psychology field have been talking about it for years because they realize that different sections of the brain produce different thoughts and thought patterns.
So what jumped out at you when you first saw the image? Are you a left brain or right brain person and more importantly, does this describe you?
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