My husband threw all my paintings away. I decided to give him a real lesson now

When I discovered Tim had thrown away my paintings, it felt like a piece of my soul had been ripped away. Each stroke of paint, each color combination, each image on the canvas represented hours of joy, frustration, and fulfillment. But to him, they were nothing but “junk.”

A Moment of Realization

That evening, exhausted from work, I decided to revisit an old painting that I believed had more potential. The idea of reworking it filled me with a rare excitement. However, my anticipation turned to horror when I descended into the basement, only to find it empty. The walls were bare, the shelves clean, and my paintings—gone. I stood there in shock, a cold sense of loss washing over me. How could he do this? How could he erase a part of my life so carelessly?

Confrontation and Anger

I stormed upstairs, fury bubbling inside me. There he was, lounging on the couch, engrossed in a football game, a bag of chips in hand. “Tim! Where are my f***ing paintings?” I demanded, my voice shaking with rage.

He glanced at me nonchalantly and said, “Oh, honey, relax. You should be thanking me for taking out that junk.”

For Illustrative purpose only

His dismissive attitude was the final straw. I exploded in anger, yelling at him, but he remained unbothered, barely acknowledging my distress. It was clear he didn’t understand or care about the pain he’d caused.

The Plan for Revenge

As I stood there, seething, a plan began to form in my mind. If he could so casually discard something that meant so much to me, then he deserved a taste of his own medicine. I decided to retaliate in a way that would hit him where it hurt the most.

For Illustrative purpose only

The next day, I waited until Tim left for work. Fueled by a sense of righteous indignation, I methodically gathered all his cherished belongings—his prized football memorabilia, his vintage record collection, even his favorite recliner. I loaded everything into the back of my car and drove to the nearest charity shop. Watching the workers unload his precious items, I felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. Let’s see how he likes it, I thought.

Can you find the missing pipe? Put your skills to the test

Think you’ve got sharp eyes or a knack for spotting details? Well, here’s a challenge just for you! I’m a big fan of optical illusions, brainteasers, and tricky puzzles, but I’ll admit—this one’s pretty sneaky! In fact, they say only 2% of people can spot the missing pipe on their first try. Are you one of them? Let’s find out!

The Scene: A Man, a Bench, and a Missing Pipe

In the image below, you’ll see an old man sitting contently on a bench outside his cozy home. It’s a peaceful setting, but there’s one problem: his beloved pipe has gone missing! He’s too busy reading his newspaper to notice, but can you help him find it within one minute?

Our elderly friend is dressed in a stylish red top with intricate details, paired with striped brown pants. His walking cane is propped up beside him, while vines weave around the bench, adding to the charm. But where on earth could his pipe be hiding? Is it lost in the plants or maybe camouflaged by the house in the background?

Take a Close Look – The Pipe Is There!

Take another careful look at the scene before you scroll down for the answer. Could the pipe be tucked away in plain sight? Pay special attention to his belongings—you may be surprised by what you find.

Ready for the reveal? As it turns out, what appears to be the top of the man’s walking cane is actually his missing pipe, cleverly disguised within the cane’s design! Sneaky, right?


If you managed to find it, congratulations—you’re among the sharp-eyed few! If not, don’t worry, this puzzle is meant to be tricky.

Either way, be sure to share this brainteaser with your friends and see if they can spot the hidden pipe as quickly as you did (or didn’t)!

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