Mom assumes baby is safe with dad till she gets a hair rasing text message – she rushes home to see the worst

A significant turning point in many people’s lives is becoming parents. Another human person needs you to be there for them at all times, and they depend entirely on you. However, not everyone is prepared for this level of accountability.

Continue reading to learn more.Angie Setlak was really anxious when she was expecting her son, Xavier. She tried to devote all of her attention to their young son because her partner had been unfaithful.

She had imagined that all would change after the baby boy was born, but that fantasy quickly gave way to a nightmare. She got a message from her partner one day. She didn’t have much time to save their son’s life once she received the message.The worst fear for any parent is that their small child may suffer harm.

No matter how big or small your child is, as a parent you will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.

However, on rare occasions, we also learn of people who are not at all qualified to be parents.

When everything went wrong, Angie Setlak was expecting her and her boyfriend’s kid, Xavier. Her partner was not at all interested in her, even though she was counting down the seconds as her tummy continued to swell.He was unfaithful all the time, breaking Angie’s heart over and over.So things turned upside down again when the son was delivered four weeks early.

His father’s infidelity caused us to have a stressful pregnancy, which had an impact on both the baby and my blood pressure. However, we succeeded, and he was born perfectly healthy. The physicians, who had predicted he would remain in my womb until his due date, were taken aback when he erupted in a fit of rage. After spending 16 days in the hospital, we returned home, and I had three wonderful months at home with my child,” Angie says to Love What Matters.One individual, though, found it difficult to adjust to the new existence.His father and Xavier were left alone one day. Furthermore, Xavier’s father, who was expected to look after the child while mother Angie returned to her job, was unable to cope.Angie was going to start her first job after her maternity leave when she went through something that nobody should have to go through.

She received numerous texts from her partner throughout the day complaining about how hard it was to care for their son. “Xavier’s father had been texting me all day about how difficult his life was, and I assured him that we would find a different way so he wouldn’t have to look after him by himself during the day. She tells the website that during his parental leave, he had only spent a maximum of two hours by himself with him, and it had gone well.The arrangement was for me to look after Xavier during the day while I worked, and for him to look after him at night while he worked. He worked evenings. My spouse kept telling me that everything would be well, even though I was really anxious about the scenario because, after all, he had raised a 10-year-old.But everything changed when the message arrived.He sent his girlfriend a startling text later that day in which Xavier’s father requested whether he might kill the boy. “I received a text from him on my first day back at work after taking maternity leave, asking if he could kill our child right away. I told him I was heading home and asked him not to bother.

Not too long afterward, she got another message.Xavier’s breathing stopped.Mom Angie hurried to the hospital after the small child was taken there immediately.The father insisted that their son had choked on milk, even though the boy had brain damage.Angie soon found out, though.Xavier spent two weeks in a medically induced coma to aid him. They warned his mother that he might not wake up and gradually weaned him off of his medication. We battled against two foes. Trauma and the period of time his brain was devoid of oxygen. I heard everything from “he might never learn to walk, talk, or move” to “he might be blind.” But I remained confident that he will return to me,” the mother remarked. Angie was able to go home with her son after spending 17 days in the hospital.

In contrast, Xavier’s father was taken into custody on charges of abusing his child.Angie claims that the police believed the father had given Xavier a violent shaking that seriously injured his brain.Xavier has had more surgeries since then and is getting stronger every day. The wonderful little Xavier is the only person in his mother Angie’s life; his father has been absent for a long time.”I’m hoping that someone who reads our narrative would be moved to tears and understand how crucial it is to never shake a newborn. You should never, ever shake a baby. Avoiding it is quite simple. My child was irreparably altered by a fit of rage.

This story really breaks my heart. How could the father of a kid commit such a horrific act? Spread the word about this to increase awareness.

A Bride Won’t Change Wedding Time for Sister’s Nap Schedule and Stands Firm

When two individuals maintain their limits, conflict may arise. In today’s tale, a woman defied her obstinate sister by refusing to back down. She had a valid cause, too: she was getting married.

The pair decided to get married in the autumn.

My fiancé and I will wed in October of this year. We are ecstatic about our January engagement. We are only inviting close family and friends to the intimate wedding.

My sister Lisa is the source of the issue. Lisa and her spouse are parents to a 2-year-old kid. I can’t put all the reasons why I don’t have a really loving connection with Lisa into this post.

The wedding invites were sent out last month. We asked our guests to please attend at the site by 1:00 p.m. as our wedding ceremony is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. Since the event will be held near our hometown, Lisa and most of the other guests will be able to easily get there.

Lisa informed me that her 2-year-old’s nap schedule meant the timing “wouldn’t work.” She explained that he naps at twelve and that she is not pressuring him to stay awake so she can prepare him for the occasion, otherwise he will be a nightmare. Despite the fact that I am childless, I felt this was an absurd excuse.

Lisa told me she couldn’t get a babysitter because all of her trusted people would be attending the wedding when I asked. She claimed she wouldn’t be able to make the wedding, so I proposed that they at least go to the reception.

She informed me that if the time isn’t changed, she won’t be at the wedding. I informed her that was not possible. Lisa declared she wouldn’t be going then. This pained me a great deal. I immediately ended the conversation with an excuse because I wasn’t sure how to respond at the time.

Lisa asked me what I thought of her suggestion a few days later. I reminded her that we are unable to alter the time. She said she hopes I’m glad they’re not coming and that everyone will wonder why she’s not there, and that it’s all because I can’t bring my nephew. The world doesn’t revolve around her and her son, I informed her angrily. She blocked me after calling me a bridezilla.

I simply don’t think I’m at fault, despite my mother’s persistent demands that I make apologies with Lisa.

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