In the picturesque setting of Mountfitchet Castle near Stansted, Essex, a heartwarming story unfolds, showcasing the remarkable kindness of Fred, a 15-year-old yellow Labrador. In a twist of fate, Fred has once again assumed the role of a nurturing father figure, this time to a brood of fifteen orphaned ducklings, adding another chapter to his legacy of compassion.
Fred’s story of adopting orphaned ducklings is far from new; in fact, it’s a story that has unfolded not once, not twice, but three times within the past five years. This loyal and gentle labrador retriever has captured the hearts of many with his undeniable knack for stepping up when needed the most.
The tale began in 2018 when Fred first embraced the role of a foster parent, taking in a brood of nine orphaned ducklings. The images and videos of Fred cradling the ducklings on his back, protecting them, and watching over them spread across social media, warming hearts and spreading smiles. His devotion and care were evident as he guided them through their delicate early stages of life.
The following year, in 2019, Fred’s compassionate spirit shone once again. When seven ducklings found themselves abandoned, Fred was quick to extend his paw in support. He welcomed them with open arms, offering a lifeline to these vulnerable creatures and ensuring they had the chance to thrive and grow.
Now, in his senior years at the age of 15, Fred’s story has come full circle. When fifteen more ducklings faced a bewildering loss of their mother, Fred emerged as their steadfast protector and caretaker. Photographs captured the heartwarming scenes of these tiny ducklings nestled between Fred’s legs and perched confidently on his back. The sight of these fluffy yellow bundles finding solace in Fred’s presence is a testament to the remarkable bond that transcends species.
Jeremy Goldsmith, Fred’s owner, shared the touching account, expressing pride in his beloved canine companion’s consistent acts of compassion. While the circumstances surrounding the mother duck’s sudden disappearance remain a mystery, one thing is certain: Fred’s unwavering love and dedication have provided these ducklings with a second chance at life.
Fred’s role as a foster parent isn’t merely about convenience; it’s a testament to the deep empathy and sense of responsibility that he embodies. He is more than a pet – he is a beacon of hope and a reminder that love knows no bounds. As the ducklings continue to grow under Fred’s watchful care, their story stands as a heartening reminder that even in the face of adversity, kindness and love have the power to create a brighter tomorrow.
Can dogs really detect Covid-19 infections faster and more accurately than a lateral flow test?
Results indicated that not only can dogs detect Covid faster, but they can also do so in a non-intrusive manner – so no need to swab your throat or nose
Dogs can detect Covid-19 faster and more accurately than a PCR test, a new study shows.
Researchers looked at the ability of canines to recognise the virus and its variants, even when they are obscured by other viruses, like those from common colds and flu.
More than 400 scientists from over 30 countries contributed to the study as well as 147 scent dogs, according to the findings published in the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.
After analysing many studies covering both field and clinical experiments, Professor Dickey and Junqueira found that dogs who are trained to sniff out scents are “as effective and often more effective” than antigen tests.
A total of 53 dogs were trained to sniff out Covid scents, while 37 were not and scientists found that the dogs that were not trained were in some cases “slightly superior” to those that were pre-trained.
“The previously untrained dogs have the advantage that they are not as prone to indicating on scents other than the Covid–19 associated scent,” the paper said.
The results indicated that not only can dogs detect Covid faster, but they can also do so in a non-intrusive manner. This means you won’t need to put a swab in your throat or nose.
How can dogs detect the virus?
This essentially comes down to the dog’s highly evolved nose with its ability to sense out smells quicker.
Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about six million in humans. And the part of a dog’s brain that is devoted to analysing smells is about “40 times greater” than humans. Canines also have ‘neophilia’, which means they are attracted to new and interesting odours
And so, with all these enhancements, dogs can detect very low concentrations of odours associated with Covid infections.
“They can detect the equivalent of one drop of an odorous substance in 10.5 Olympic-sized swimming pools,” Professor Dickey said. “For perspective, this is about three orders of magnitude better than with scientific instrumentation.”
Scientists also found that in some cases, the animals were also able to detect the virus in pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, “whose viral load was too low for conventional tests to work.”
Professor Dickey has said that dogs can also differentiate Covid and its different variants in the presence of other respiratory viruses. This included the common cold or flu.
“They’re much more effective. In fact, one of the authors that we quote in the paper commented that the RT-PCR test is not the gold standard anymore. It’s the dog. And they’re so quick,” he added. “They can give you the yes or no within seconds if they’re directly smelling you.”
How was the study conducted to see if dogs can really detect Covid-19?
In some studies, the dogs gave a person a quick sniff, sitting down to see if the person has Covid. In another study, the dog was given a sweat sample to smell for a few minutes.
The press release has said that scent dogs, such as beagles, basset hounds and coonhounds are the ideal candidates for sniffing out the virus, given their “natural tendencies to rely on odours to relate to the world.”
But the studies which the researchers analysed showed a variety of dogs were up for the challenge and were able to sniff out the Covid odour. With a few weeks of training, puppies, older dogs, purebred and mixed breeds, both male and female were able to sniff such odours out and “all performed admirably,” the Eureka Alert press release said.
Although there has been success with dogs detecting such viruses, researchers believe there are still many challenges with using dogs for medical diagnoses.
“There’s quite a bit of research, but it’s still considered by many as a kind of a curiosity,” said Professor Dickey.
In conclusion, Professor Dickey and Junqueira said after reviewing the studies, believe that scent dogs deserve “their place as a serious diagnostic methodology that could be particularly useful during future pandemics, potentially as part of rapid routine health screenings in public spaces.”
“Perhaps, most importantly, we argue that the impressive international quality and quantity of COVID scent dog research described in our paper for the first time, demonstrates that medical scent dogs are finally ready for a host of mainstream medical applications,” they added.
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