While all natural fruits and vegetables are healthy for you, did you know that some should never be combined? Cucumbers and tomatoes, for instance.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are very healthful. They are abundant in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and water. But you shouldn’t eat them together! When preparing a salad, Ayurveda says it’s critical to know how long each component takes to digest.
Vegetables with varying rates of digestion can be difficult to combine. Food fermentation may occur in your stomach if the lighter ingredient passes through your intestines at the same time as the other begins to digest. Toxins, sluggish digestion, and starch and sugar fermentation may arise from this. This will ruin your food and increase your risk of stomach pain, bloating, and gas.
Other than cucumbers and tomatoes, there are other combinations of foods to be careful with. Here are few to keep in mind:
Fruits after eating: Fruits take longer to digest and if they are left in the stomach for an extended period of time, they can cause acid reflux and other digestive problems.
Cheese and meat: Limit the amount of protein in your meal. No more than one kind per meal.
Even though it’s a common combination, macaroni and cheese (or macaroni and meat) might create stomach problems since carbs and proteins breakdown at different rates.
Cheese and vegetables together can make you more prone to bloating.
Orange juice might damage the enzyme required to break down carbohydrates, so avoid eating bread or noodles with it.
Watermelon and melons should be consumed on their own; do not mix them with other fruits.
Milk and bananas together can cause digestive delays.
Yogurt and fruits are a popular breakfast combination, but they can alter your gut flora and slow down digestion.
Two sisters spent $300,000 on plastic surgery and showed what they used to look like-the before and after photos are stunning

Chie and Chika Yoshikawa are known for their plastic surgeries. The Japanese sisters spent a lot of money on various plastic surgeries.

The sisters changed almost everything on their faces. Judging from the photos of their initial appearance the sisters changed their noses, lips, and even eyes.

The sisters are now 34 and they are satisfied with their look finally. The sisters claimed taht they had been compared with children and no one thought that they were already grown ups.

When they began to share their photos on social media some of the netizens began critisizing their appearance and tell that they look alike. They took these words close to their hearts and spent 40 million yen ($312756,56).

Now they look like real-life barbie dolls.

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