Kylie Jenner Is Criticized for Piercing Her Daughter’s Ears

Piercing a baby’s ears has always sparked debate, with people divided on its safety and ethics. While some see it as a harmless tradition or a personal choice, others worry about consent, health risks, and the child’s autonomy. The controversy flared up when celebrity influencer Kylie Jenner posted a photo of her daughter, Stormi Webster, with pierced ears. This picture led to widespread discussion and criticism, once again bringing attention to the ongoing debate about piercing babies’ ears.

Lots of babies around the world get their ears pierced, but it’s the earlobes of famous babies that get people talking online about whether it’s safe for little ones to wear jewelry. When her daughter Stormi Webster was five months old, Kylie shared a picture of her lying on a bed in a softly lit pink room. Followers noticed the tiny studs in Stormi’s ears, which were barely visible but still caught their attention.

Jenner is used to social media controversies, but the criticism about her young daughter and parenting skills is particularly harsh this time. Some strongly argue against piercing a baby’s ears, while others call Jenner “cruel” and “thoughtless.” “Is she going to start putting big earrings in her [ears] now [they’re] pierced? A [baby’s] ear is still forming and growing at that age,” one user wrote. “Piercing a babies ears!!!! @kyliejenner be ashamed of yourself. This is utterly disgraceful,” another follower commented.

Although getting a baby’s ears pierced is usually seen as safe, doctors warn about the risk of infections. Some suggest waiting until your baby is around 4 months old. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics doesn’t have a clear rule on when it’s best to pierce ears. They recommend waiting until a child can take care of the piercing themselves, but they don’t say no to piercing babies.

Kylie Jenner and her former partner Travis Scott gained notice for their unique parenting style. Travis revealed that they give their toddler Stormi a lot of independence. He mentioned they let Stormi choose her bedtime, deciding whether she wants to sleep at the usual time or stay up later. Stormi consistently chooses bedtime, which surprises many parents who appreciate her commitment to a good sleep routine.

Some parents think piercing their baby’s ears heals faster when they’re young. Others believe it’s important to respect their child’s autonomy and find piercing without consent unethical. Although tiny earrings might look cute, they can be dangerous for babies, causing injuries during play or even choking hazards.

Preview photo credit kyliejenner / Instagram

Whаt dоеs it symbоlizе whеn а реrsоn whо раssеd аwаy арреаrs in yоur drеаm

Some people dream, some don’t, or at least they don’t remember doing so.

But do dreams mean anything? Well, while people are convinced dreams are a form of messages received by forces we are unable to see or feel while wide awake, some scientists claim that dreams are simply a result of neuronal processes taking place within our brain.

While we are asleep, our brains are anything but.

Sometimes, dreams happen as a reflection of the day that passed, and other times they represent our fears. But what does it mean when we dream of a deceased person?

These dreams can be seen as part of the process of grieving or a transition that takes place in our own life. According to Healthline, it has to do with the latter.

These dreams are common when we experience certain changes, such as getting a new job, moving places, or meeting someone new.

What is most important than the dream itself, however, is how it make us feel.

Rubin Naiman, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, spent years of his life studying sleep patterns and habits. According to him, “Dream interpretation is about decoding the dream. It enlightens us and expands our awareness psychologically, [offering an] expansion of consciousness.”

Team Louish/Flickr

A lot of contemporary neuroscientists believe during REM sleep, the brain is involved in maintenance tasks, and it accidentally ‘kicks up dust,’ visually. At that end, dreaming is considered totally meaningless.” On the other hand he explains, “The other end is that dreaming is more substantial than waking. And we see this in ‘dream cultures,’ such as the indigenous people of Australia, who believe dreaming is intrinsic to our spiritual existence.”

Experts place these dreams into four categories.

  1. First, dreaming of a deceased person may be interpreted as the brain trying to work through the pain of the loss.
  2. If we hadn’t made amends with the deceased person before their passing, we may feel guilt and that might be the reason why they visit us in our dreams.
  3. According to Lauri Loewenberg, a dream analyst, we may be dreaming of a deceased person if we see some of their behaviors, such as substance abuse or else, in ourselves.
  4. There are experts who believe that these dreams represent a visitation from the deceased person, especially if we see them in a good condition in our dream, meaning they are well dressed or seem happy. If we feel good about the dream, it may mean that the deceased person says ‘Hello.’

No matter what we feel about dreams, the truth is that they offer something deep and meaningful. They often give us insight into the soul and our connection with the deceased person that we see in our dreams.

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