Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis recently took to the stand where she spoke to the character of special prosecutor Nathan Wade. Willis’ relationship with Wade has come under increased scrutiny amid allegations of financiaI misconduct. Many have alleged the controversial relationship between Willis and Wade poses a massive conflict of interest.
According to Willis, her conversations with Wade were argumentative by nature, pertaining to the special prosecutor’s view of women. This district attorney claimed that Wade only sees value in women insofar as they will “make him a sandwich.” Willis explained how this dynamic was a source of tension in her relationship with Wade, noting how she gave “him his money back.”
“Mister, let’s go on and have the conversation,” Willis said. “Had absolutely nothing to do with this. It’s interesting that we’re here about this money. Mr. Wade is used to women that, as he told me one time, only thing a woman can do for him is make him a sandwich. We would have brutaI arguments about the fact that I am your equal. I don’t need anything from a man a man is not a plan. A man is a companion. And so there was tension always in our relationship, which is why I was give him his money back. I don’t need anybody to foot my bills, the only man who’s ever put my bills completely is my daddy.”
Following her monologue, Willis was asked, “Is there anything else you’d like to add to that?” She responded, “No. I’m sure we’ll talk about it further.” Willis’ comments about Wade have quickly made the rounds on social media.
Conservative Brief shared footage of Willis’ testimony on X, with the caption, “The Character Assassination Continues! On the stand, Fulton County DA Fani Willis continues to paint her lover Nathan Wade in a terrible light: “Mr. Wade is used to women that— as he told me one time— the only thing a woman can do for him is make a sandwich.””
The American Tribune recently reported on comments from Nathan Wade’s testimony about his extravagant trips with Fani Willi. Many have alleged the trips have been prime exampIes of Willis abusing her position of power to misuse government funds.
A Fulton County Judge recently ruled that Willis and Wade would be forced to testify on these allegations of financial misconduct. Judge McAfee ruled, “I think the issues at point here are whether a relationship existed, whether that relationship was romantic or non-romantic in nature, when it formed, and whether it continues. And that’s only relevant because it’s in combination with the question of the existence and extent of any personal benefit conveyed as a result of their relationship.”
Judge McAfee continued in his ruling, “And so because I think its possibIe that the facts alleged by the defendant could result in disqualification, I think an evidentiary hearing must occur to establish the record on those core allegations.”
See footage of Fani Willis’ testimony below:
A Fulton County Judge recently ruled that Willis and Wade would be forced to testify on these allegations of financial misconduct. Judge McAfee ruled, “I think the issues at point here are whether a relationship existed, whether that relationship was romantic or non-romantic in nature, when it formed, and whether it continues. And that’s only relevant because it’s in combination with the question of the existence and extent of any personal benefit conveyed as a result of their relationship.”

The Blonde Bikini Bombshell: Whatever Happened to Bo Derek?

Bo Derek is a treasured memory for children of the 1970s. She was one of the most stunning bombshells of her era, with her signature blonde hair, flaming blue eyes, and braided hairstyles that dispelled any negative connotations associated with them. Many people have been curious in her life since her brief period of stardom, like where she ended up, why she quit acting, and what her current circumstances are. Let’s see what Bo is getting up to these days.
The Early Years of Bo Derek
Mary Cathleen Collins was born in Long Beach, California, on November 20, 1956, before she became known as Bo Derek. Mary was raised by working-class parents in a typical American household. Her father worked as a sales executive, while her mother was a cosmetics artist. Mary had two areas of great interest when she was a teenager. She was first and foremost an avid horsewoman because she loved horses. She would compete in many events, proudly showcasing her talents. She also cherished acting. To improve those abilities, she decided to take acting classes.
Bo appeared in the movie Orca (1977). In this Jaws-esque film, a massive killer whale was shown biting off her leg. Her actual rise to prominence, meanwhile, was largely attributed to Blake Edwards’ 1979 picture “10.” It was at this point that her signature blond braided hair started to stand out. She didn’t go on a career of appearing in action-packed, daring movies after this one. Among them were the films “Tarzan, The Ape Man” from 1981, “Bolero” from 1984, and “Ghosts Can’t Do It” from 1990.
When Bo was just 16 years old, she met the director John Derek, who would become her husband. She was wed to Linda Evans at the time. They only started dating a few years later. But since Bo was still a minor, they had to travel to Mexico and Europe to get away from the harsh American laws.
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