Chinese authorities crack down on stray dogs after a Rottweiler mauls a toddler

In the past, strays have been blamed for rabies outbreaks and authorities have attempted to control their numbers with culls. (CNN)

A shocking video of a Rottweiler mauling a two-year-old girl in China has prompted a crackdown by local authorities on stray dogs that some argue has now gone too far.

Authorities were initially praised for their swift response to the incident, but netizens soon began sharing accounts of stray canines in their neighborhood being roughly rounded up and, in some cases, put down.

The new directive to clamp down on large, unleashed dogs is being cited as the latest example of a knee-jerk reaction by Chinese authorities that also highlights the country’s long-standing struggle with animal rights and welfare.

“Just because a large dog bit a child, all of them are being hunted down by ruthless security guards and police,” one user wrote on Chinese social media Weibo under the hashtag “Will the biting of the girl bring stigma to a large dog?” viewed by almost 1 million users.

“Such a one-size-fits-all approach makes me really sad,” she said.

Video of the October 16 attack shows the girl stepping out of a residential compound with her mother in Chongzhou, in China’s southwestern province of Sichuan, and immediately being chased and bitten by a large black Rottweiler.

The mother tries to shield her daughter from the dog, but then tries to pull her back as the animal drags the child around.

A cleaner who comes to help with a broom also fails to drive the dog away.

A man finally succeeds in chasing the Rottweiler away with a wooden stick.

By that time, the mother is sitting on the ground, crying, with her daughter in her arms.

This photo shows a rottweiler dog. A woman in Perth was attacked by her two pet rottweilers.

Calls to add Rottweilers to list of banned dogs after string of attacks

The toddler was admitted to hospital, where she was treated for a ruptured kidney, fractured ribs and bite marks on various parts of her body, several Chinese state media outlets reported.

Authorities caught the Rottweiler and detained its owner, according to state media.

Since then, local authorities in a raft of provinces including Shandong, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Hunan, Anhui have stepped up law enforcement, some more heavy-handed than others.

Stray dogs are the main targets, but pets who are unleashed can also be subject to control measures.

Most local police said they would ramp up patrols to round up stray dogs and fine owners who fail to put their dogs on a leash.

More robust approaches include police in Yanzhou in Shandong vowing to hunt down “mad dogs” and euthanize them.

China is home to 40 million stray dogs, according to the 2021 China Pet Industry white paper.

The country is home to 40 million stray dogs, according to the 2021 China Pet Industry white paper.

In the past, strays have been blamed for rabies outbreaks and authorities have attempted to control their numbers with culls.

In one case that triggered an outpouring of grief online, a small stray dog – known as Xiao Huang, or little yellow – was taken away in a net by security personnel at a university campus in Chongqing and beaten to death, according to state-affiliated media.

Many netizens were perplexed by the decision to kill a tiny dog, whose image is being shared on Weibo with the hashtag “straydogxiaohuang,” with a call for greater rights for stray dogs.

The university said the canine had entered the student dormitory, posing a threat to the safety, according to state-affiliated news outlet Beijing Time.

In Shanghai, images of police officers descending on a local neighborhood and dragging away a German Shepherd also sparked fury online.

Many netizens believe the dog was old and did not pose a danger to the community.

But Shanghai authorities said they were acting on complaints from neighbors about an aggressive dog and that it was “taken in and dealt with,” according to a post on their WeChat account.

This is not the first time Chinese authorities have been accused of being heavy-handed with animals.

During Covid, some pet owners complained that their dogs were beaten to death when they were taken away for quarantine, anecdotes that sparked uproar across the internet.

A number of netizens praised the authorities for taking proactive steps, but most warned against the consequences of going overboard.

Celebrities also joined the chorus of animal lovers to call for better understanding.

Chinese actress and singer Cya Liu, who won Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards last year, called for an end to the killing.

“Not all stray dogs are bad just as not all men are good,” she wrote on Weibo, with the hashtag “voicing out for stray dogs.”

Bo Ai Animal Protection Centre Of Guangyuan in Sichuan wrote on Tumblr-like Chinese social media Meipian that China should be using its development to instill a better sense of social responsibility and a respect for animals in people.

“Beating and catching dogs at every turn. Let the world see what our great motherland is like,” it said.

9 Differences Between Men and Women That Have an Unexpected Explanation

Today, we would like to talk about the differences between men and women. You might say that you’ve known about these differences for your entire life, but it’s not that simple. We are sure that we’ll be able to highlight a few facts you’ve never heard of before. And in the bonus section, you’ll find out where the fashion for high heels came from.

The length of fingers

Let’s conduct a short experiment. Place your hand on a flat surface and compare the length of your index and ring fingers. In general, in women, the index finger is longer. In men, the ring finger is longer. How can this be explained?

According to scientists, the length of these fingers depends on the level of male and female hormones that affect the fetus in the womb. So, the reason why the ring finger is longer than the index finger in men is testosterone.

The skin on the heels

Scientists have found out that women’s skin is more hydrated in the décolleté area and on the hands. Only the skin on their heels is dryer than that of men. So, in equal conditions, men’s heels will be smoother.


You might think, “Why would a man need nipples?” It might sound strange but every person was initially female. When an embryo begins to develop in the womb, the male Y chromosome doesn’t immediately start working.

During the first 5-6 weeks, development occurs only under the influence of the X chromosome, so the nipples have enough time to form. If the embryo is male, the Y chromosome “turns on” after this period of time, and a boy is formed.

Men can even produce milk. Lactation is activated under special conditions, for example, it may appear during treatment with the hormone prolactin.


Women are better at seeing colors, but men are good at tracking fast-moving objects. This is probably linked to our hunter-gatherer past when men were hunters and women were gatherers.

For example, an orange may appear redder to a man than to a woman. The grass is almost always greener for women because green objects appear more yellow to men.

Gaining muscle mass

Many women have to go to the gym regularly to have a toned body, while a man can just lift a barbell a couple of times to get a 6 pack. So, what is the “ingredient” responsible for muscle development? If you guessed testosterone, you’re right.

In women, it is also produced, but in much smaller quantities. So, it is easier and faster for men to gain muscle mass.

Hair loss

Going bald after the age of 50 is typical for around half of men (and for a quarter of women too). The reason for this is a widespread hereditary disease, androgenetic alopecia, which is also called “male pattern baldness.” Due to this condition, hair follicles shrink, and hair becomes thinner and shorter, and eventually disappears.

Follicle shrinkage can be caused by sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of testosterone. This means that the more muscle-building hormone a man has, the more likely it is that he will become bald.

Adam’s apple

Both men and women have an Adam’s apple, but it’s more prominent in men. Why? The Adam’s apple is the cartilage that protects our vocal cords. It is formed during puberty. Since adult men have larger vocal cords, their Adam’s apple is also more prominent.

By the way, the larger the Adam’s apple, the deeper the voice. There is a theory that our ancestors needed a low voice in order to scare away predators.

Brain size

A man’s brain is larger than that of a woman, but this doesn’t mean that men are intellectually superior to women. Also, some parts of the brain in both sexes are different in size and work differently. For example, the hippocampus, which is involved in learning and creating memories, is larger in women. And the amygdala, which is associated with experiencing emotions and remembering them, is larger in men.

Scientists conducted an experiment: they showed the subjects a video so that they could recall some personal experiences. It turned out that in men, activity was observed only in the right amygdala, and in women, only in the left one.


At first glance, it might seem that a beard doesn’t provide any benefits. So, why does it grow? There is a theory that the jawline looks more massive thanks to a beard, so its wearer looks stronger and more masculine. Perhaps, our female ancestors tended to choose men with a thick beard as their partners because they thought they would produce healthy offspring with them.

Bonus: Heels

Nowadays, high heels are one of the symbols of femininity, aren’t they? However, in the 17th century, Persian riders used to wear one-inch heels. And since owning horses was a symbol of wealth, heeled shoes also came to signify money and power. The Persians then brought their fashion to Europe.

The French king Louis XIV became a big fan of heels. He even issued a decree according to which only nobles were allowed to wear heels. The higher and redder the heel was, the more powerful the wearer was.

The Sun King only allowed those who he favored the most to wear red heels. But since the 18th century, heels have become a purely feminine attribute, although this didn’t stop rock stars like David Bowie and The Beatles from wearing them.

Which facts mentioned in this article were new to you? Tell us in the comments below.

Preview photo credit 16704029 / Pixabay

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