When Daniel saw his older neighbor arguing with her son about her plants, he decided to help her. He offered to water her garden while she moved. Later, he discovered a note hidden in the soil that changed everything in an unexpected way.
“I can’t believe you would ask that of me! I can’t come here every day to water your plants! If you gave me the house, I would do it!” Daniel heard someone shouting as he stopped his bike in front of a pretty little house with a lovely garden. He knew Mrs. Carrino lived there, but he had never spoken to her and didn’t know who was yelling.
Suddenly, he saw a man leave the house, still shouting, with the older woman following behind. “Arnold, I asked you to help me, but all you care about is getting this house! Are you crazy? Do you want me to die so you can have my house?” she exclaimed.

Daniel’s eyebrows raised in surprise, and he thought about leaving, but he couldn’t move.
Then, he heard a loud crash of metal. “What the—” he said to himself.
“You’re being dramatic, Mom! This house will be mine anyway. I can’t believe you’re acting like this when I’m trying to help you move!” Arnold shouted.
“Leave right now if you’re going to act like that!” Mrs. Carrino replied. Arnold angrily stomped to his car and drove off. They were so caught up in their argument that they didn’t even notice Daniel standing there with his bike.
Finally, Mrs. Carrino looked over and noticed him. “Oh, dear. What are you doing here? Do I know you?” she asked.

“I live two houses down the street. I’m Daniel, Caroline’s son,” he said, pointing back to his house. “I’m sorry, but I was biking around and heard the yelling. Are you alright, Mrs. Carrino?”
“Oh, I remember you now! It’s nice that you know my name. Don’t worry about it. It was just my son being difficult,” she explained.
“Why is he acting like that?”
“Well… I’m moving to a nursing home, and I asked him to help me. But he only came here to ask if I could give him the house. He wants to move in, but I know he’ll just sell it. He doesn’t value it like I do. I worked hard for this place, and as long as I’m alive, I won’t sell it,” Mrs. Carrino said. “Then he threw a fit when I asked him to water my plants. I guess you saw the rest of the fight.”

“I can do that,” Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Do what?”
“Water your plants.”
“I can’t pay you, dear,” Mrs. Carrino replied, looking sorry.
“I know. But I live so close. It’s not a problem,” Daniel insisted, making her smile brightly.
A few days later, Mrs. Carrino moved to a nursing home nearby, and Daniel kept his promise. He visited her home almost every day to water her plants and was happy to help. Before long, he started to love gardening and would visit Mrs. Carrino to ask about adding some new plants.
Dropping the shovel, Daniel used his hands to dig up a mason jar with a metal lid and found a note inside.
“Dear Daniel! Thank you for your help. This house is now yours! Go inside and find all the paperwork. You and your family can move in whenever you want!”
Daniel couldn’t believe his eyes. He rushed inside, using the key Mrs. Carrino had left him. On the kitchen counter, he saw the title to the house. Although he didn’t understand most of it, he saw his name at the bottom.
Still in shock, he called Mrs. Carrino, who confirmed everything. “You’ll need to sign it to complete the transfer. But I wanted you to find the note first!” she said.
His mother couldn’t believe it either. They could move into the house and stop paying rent. There was no mortgage, which would help their family a lot. They were so grateful for Mrs. Carrino’s gift that his mother and siblings started visiting her often, thinking of her as a grandmother.
But during their move, Daniel discovered something even more surprising. In Mrs. Carrino’s old room, he found another note. It was similar to the first one but said “Arnold.”
It turned out that Mrs. Carrino had originally planned to give her son the house if he helped her with her plants. However, after his rude behavior, she changed her mind and decided to give the house to Daniel instead.
This unexpected gift came just for being kind and helpful. It was a lesson Daniel would never forget.
A baby girl who ‘never stops smiling’ is living with a rare skin condition that makes her skin crack
Those nine months a mom carries her baby are filled with joy, anticipation, and a dose of uncertainty. What the new parents hope for is their bundle of joy to be healthy. Sadly, that is not always the case.

Jennie Wilklow, from Highland, New York, couldn’t wait to meet her daughter. She and her husband were over the moon to hold her in their arms. All the ultrasounds and doctor’s appointment suggested the baby was healthy, so they were eased and never thought sweet Anna would be born with a condition that would change all of their lives forever.
Jennie delivered Anna via C-section at 34 weeks. Doctors told her she looked beautiful and that was all Jennie needed to hear at that point.
Shortly after, the proud mom heard her daughter cry, and that was just another sign that everything was right with her little jewel.

When her husband visited Jennie, he was strangely silent and looked worried and puzzled.
“My husband’s silence scared me; he just sat in shock as the doctor left, and I prodded for more info,” Jennie shared with Cafe Mom.
“He just kept saying, ‘It’s bad.’ What does that even mean? I thought in my head. He told me, ‘Jennie, I looked in her eyes, and she has the most beautiful soul.’”
Anna was diagnosed with harlequin ichthyosis, a rare condition that causes thick diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks. “As they tried frantically to help her, her skin hardened within seconds (of birth). After hardening, it began to split, causing open wounds all over her body,” Jennie told Cafe Mom.

Although doctors weren’t sure she would survive, Anna beat the odds and is thriving. “She was beauty in the purest form,” her mom said.
There isn’t cure, and the treatment is quite demanding as it requires constant baths and keeping the skin as much moisturized as possible. “Every couple of hours I covered her with Vaseline and bathed her for many hours of the day. I had dreamed for years about the things my baby would wear, and though it seemed so trivial, it was what I struggled with most,” Jennie said.

In an attempt to raise awareness about this condition, Jennie posts photos of Anna on her Instagram page harlequindiva. She opens up about the everyday struggles and what it is like to have a child with harlequin ichthyosis.
“Anna captured everyone’s hearts because she is the purest form of perfection. Doing the work every day is simple when I’m doing it for her, and with every new accomplishment, the world celebrates with me,” Jennie told Cafe Mom.
She adds, “I now understand that I was given her because of the love I already carried in my heart for my daughter. Anna was meant for me, and I for her, and together we will show the world what true beauty is.”

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