Alabama senator Katie Britt has introduced an idea – What do you think?

With the U.S. border being inundated with illegaI migrants flowing through at record levels. U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) led a coalition of RepubIicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on Tuesday to introduce the Citizens Ballot Protection Act

The Act is a companion bill to H.R.4316 originaIIy introduced by U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover), reported on by 1819 News last week. The bills would ensure states can verify that onIy American citizens vote in federal elections. Palmer’s success in the House last week and Britt’s charge in the Senate puts the issue one step cIoser to being law.

In recent years, states like Maryland, Vermont and New York have passed legisIation allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Washington, D.C. recently decided to allow noncitizens who have been residents for only 30 days or more to vote in local elections starting in 2024.

Artist immediately brings the audience to tears with her beautiful performance of “Imagine”

Chris Kläfford, a Swedish musician known for his rock background, captivated audiences during the fourteenth season of America’s Got Talent. For his audition, he chose to perform John Lennon’s iconic song “Magine”, a deeply moving performance that was well received by both the audience and the judges.

Many in the audience were visibly moved and tears were seen during his performance. The judges were extremely impressed and unanimously approved Chris to advance to the next stage of the competition

His subsequent performances continued to impress, including a memorable standing ovation for his original song “Something Like Me” during the Judges Cuts. Throughout the competition, Chris demonstrated his impressive range and emotional resonance as an artist.

Watch Chris Kläfford’s heartfelt rendition of “Imagine” on America’s Got Talent in the video below.

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