I’m Not Giving Money to My Late Husband’s Affair Child

The weight of betrayal, combined with the complexities of inheritance and responsibility, can be almost unbearable. This is the case for a woman who, after the loss of her husband, finds herself confronting a painful and unexpected dilemma.

She explained what happened.

My husband passed away nearly three years ago, leaving me to raise our 8-year-old child on my own. Since his death, I’ve uncovered truths about him that would have ended our marriage had he been alive.

About six weeks ago, a process server came looking for him with a court order to submit DNA for a paternity test. I handed him a copy of the death certificate and sent him on his way.

Not long after, a woman appeared at my door with a child, claiming this was my late husband’s son. Is it? I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t care. The child resembles him, but he’s young enough that he must have been conceived just before my husband’s death.

I informed her that he had passed away and directed her to his grave. Almost immediately, she began demanding ’her half’ of his estate. I couldn’t help but laugh and tell her that half of nothing was nothing, and she was welcome to it.

Where I might be seen as the bad guy is that, while there was no estate, there were assets that bypassed probate. One of those was a rental property given to us by his parents, deeded to us as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. When he died, it became mine.

I’ve since sold the property, and that money will go toward our child’s college education. Legally, I’m covered—I’ve already consulted my attorney. While I do feel sympathy for this child, my priority is my own.

People stood on her side.

  • “You were not a jerk. And for what it’s worth, that’s not a terribly uncommon scam for some reason. If you still have the papers, I’d look into if they were even legitimate.” O***Vegetable / Reddit
  • “I would have said, ‘He died with a ton of debt. Let me get your info, so I can transfer half of it to you.’ She would be out of there so fast!” New_Standard_8609 / Reddit
  • “You need to focus on your child and your finances. The property legally belongs to you, and there’s no proof your late husband was the father of the other child. Your priority is your own child’s future.” Trick-Measurement-20 / Reddit
  • “Unless she has a way to prove paternity, you have ZERO obligations to her or her affair baby. Even if he is, the rental property was in your name, so it was not your husband’s to give away. Remember, she chose to wreck your house. I would not open the door for her.” mi_nombre_es_ricardo / Reddit
  • “Don’t even give a second of thought about this again. Just tell yourself, ‘It was just a scam.’ And never talk to that person again, get a restraining order if it comes to it. Having said that, if you ever are served with papers (i.e. an actual lawsuit has been filed) then lawyer up immediately and vigorously defend yourself.” Apprehensive-Care20z / Reddit
  • “It’s between your late hubby and his baby momma. You received sole possession of all assets upon his death, and you owe nothing to the baby momma. She should have informed him she was pregnant with his child while he was alive if she knew. Why did she wait 3 years to come forward?” Funny247365 / Reddit

Though the moral and ethical aspects of her decision may provoke debate, it highlights a universal truth: moving forward often requires making tough, deeply personal choices.

Wood handle metal like cover towards the bottom like spike found in a shed in a house we just bought.

Origins and Evolution
Centuries ago, early gardeners fashioned simple dibble tools from wood or bone to create planting holes for seeds and bulbs. These rudimentary implements evolved alongside advances in gardening techniques.

The modern Dibble Bulb Planter we use today boasts a streamlined design, featuring a cylindrical or conical shape with a pointed tip. This design allows gardeners to efficiently plant bulbs without the laborious task of digging individual holes.

Usage and Practicality
Gardeners employ the Dibble Bulb Planter by inserting its pointed end into the soil, twisting or pushing down to create an ideal planting hole. After placing the bulb within, they cover it with soil. This method ensures bulbs are planted at the correct depth and spacing, fostering optimal growth and blooming.

This tool is particularly valuable for planting numerous bulbs swiftly and accurately, reducing strain on the gardener’s hands with its ergonomic design compared to traditional methods.

Legacy and Cultural Impact
Throughout history, the Dibble Bulb Planter has been indispensable in gardening and horticulture, pivotal in cultivating vibrant gardens and nurturing flowering bulbs that enrich outdoor environments with color and fragrance.

Culturally, the Dibble Bulb Planter symbolizes the art and science of gardening, embodying a dedication to cultivating natural beauty and harmonizing landscapes with human creativity. Gardeners and landscapers appreciate its role in achieving precise planting outcomes and sustaining bulb health over time.

The Dibble Bulb Planter represents an evolution in gardening tools, adeptly meeting the needs of modern gardeners while honoring age-old practices. Its efficient design and practical functionality continue to make it a favored choice among gardening enthusiasts and professionals alike. As gardening practices evolve, the Dibble Bulb Planter remains a timeless tool that enhances the beauty and sustainability of gardens worldwide.

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