This dark haired beauty queen is in her 90s now. You won’t believe what she looks like now

Joan Henrietta Collins was born on May 23, 1933, in Paddington, London, England. She was the daughter of Elsa Collins, a dance teacher, and Joseph William Collins, a talent agent whose clients would later include Shirley Bassey, The Beatles, and Tom Jones.

Joan attended the Francis Holland School and later the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London, showcasing her early passion for the performing arts.

Rise to Stardom

Collins made her film debut in the early 1950s with a series of British films, including “Lady Godiva Rides Again” (1951) and “The Woman’s Angle” (1952).

Her striking beauty and talent quickly caught the attention of Hollywood, and she soon found herself cast in major motion pictures. In 1955, she appeared in “The Virgin Queen” alongside Bette Davis, which solidified her status as a rising star.

Hollywood Success

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Collins starred in a variety of films, including “The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing” (1955), “Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys!” (1958), and “The Road to Hong Kong” (1962).

Her versatility as an actress allowed her to take on diverse roles, from comedies to dramas, establishing her as a prominent figure in the film industry.

Television Fame: Dynasty

Joan Collins achieved international fame with her role as Alexis Carrington on the American television series “Dynasty” (1981-1989). Her portrayal of the cunning and glamorous ex-wife of Blake Carrington earned her a Golden Globe Award and cemented her status as a television icon.

Why Purslane?

Have you ever used purslane in a recipe? It may surprise you to hear that this frequently disregarded plant—which is occasionally seen as a weed—is actually a nutritional powerhouse and can be quite pleasant. I was first introduced to this adaptable item by my Turkish neighbors, who also showed me how to use it to make a dish that surpasses the flavor of meat. Allow me to explain to you how to enjoy this tasty and healthful plant at home.

Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium are all abundant in purslane. It’s a lovely complement to many recipes because it’s not only healthy but also has a crisp texture and a somewhat acidic, lemony flavor. The best thing about it is that it grows really easily and is frequently found in markets and gardens.

You’ll need the following to make a tasty purslane meal with Turkish influences:

Two cups of young purslane leaves with delicate stalks
One large onion, diced finely
two minced garlic cloves
two medium-sized sliced tomatoes
One-third cup olive oil
One tsp of paprika
To taste, add salt and pepper.
Juice from lemons (optional)

To prepare the purslane, start by giving it a good rinse to get rid of any grit or debris. Take off any tough stems, leaving the fragile stems and leaves alone.

Sauté the Garlic and Onion: Heat the olive oil in a big skillet over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and diced onion, and sauté them until aromatic and tender.

Add the Tomatoes: Cook the diced tomatoes for about 5 to 7 minutes, or until they begin to break down and produce a sauce.

Cook the Purslane: Add the purslane to the skillet along with the tomato mixture, making sure to fully combine. Add the pepper, salt, and paprika. Cook everything until the purslane is soft but still somewhat crunchy, about 5 minutes.

Finish with Lemon Juice: Right before serving, drizzle a little lemon juice over the dish to add even more flavor.

This is such a versatile dish made with purslane. It goes well warm as a side dish or cold as a component of a cool salad. It tastes well on its own with a slice of crusty bread or as an accompaniment to fish or grilled meats.

A tasty and healthy addition to any dish is purslane. Its distinct flavor may compete with even the tastiest meats. This easy and tasty meal with Turkish influences is a great way to incorporate this amazing plant into your diet. Try it and savor the delicious flavors and health advantages of purslane!

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