My Neighbor Egged My Car Over Halloween Decorations—You Won’t Believe His Reason

I was beyond exhausted—the kind of tired that makes you question if you’ve brushed your teeth or remembered to feed the dog.

Ever since the twins were born, my days had blurred into a never-ending cycle of diaper changes, feeding schedules, and sleepless nights. The last thing I needed was another problem to deal with. But when I stepped outside that morning, I found my car completely covered in eggs.

At first, I thought it was a random prank. Who wouldn’t? Halloween was around the corner, and maybe some kids had gotten a little too excited. I sighed, too tired to even be upset, and grabbed a sponge and bucket, ready to clean up the mess.

But just as I started scrubbing, my neighbor Brad came strutting over with that smug grin of his.

“That was me,” he said, almost proudly. “Your car was ruining the view of my Halloween decorations.”

I blinked at him, trying to process his words through the fog of exhaustion. My car? Ruining his view? His ridiculous display of plastic skeletons, fake cobwebs, and oversized pumpkins?

Furious, but too tired to even start an argument, I just nodded, biting back the urge to say something I might regret. I didn’t have the energy for a confrontation, but in that moment, I silently promised myself that I’d find a way to teach Brad a lesson.

He had no idea who he was messing with.

Don’t get me wrong, Lily and Lucas were my sweet little babies, but taking care of two newborns mostly by myself was incredibly hard. I hadn’t slept a full night in months. Halloween was coming, and the whole neighborhood was excited—except me.

I didn’t have the energy to decorate, let alone get into the festive spirit.

Then, there was Brad.

Source: Midjourney

Brad took Halloween way too seriously. Every year, he turned his house into a huge haunted attraction with gravestones, skeletons, big jack-o’-lanterns, and more.

He loved the attention and would smile proudly whenever someone complimented his decorations.

The entire block loved it, but I was too exhausted to care about Brad’s haunted house.

One October morning, things started to fall apart.

Source: Midjourney

I went outside, carrying Lily on one hip and holding Lucas in my arm, when I noticed something. My car was covered in eggs! The eggshells were stuck to the gooey mess, dripping down the windshield like some gross breakfast gone wrong.

“Are you serious?” I muttered, staring at the mess.

The night before, I had parked in front of Brad’s house. I didn’t have much choice since it was easier to park closer to my door with the twins’ stroller.

Source: Midjourney

At first, I thought it was a prank. But when I saw egg splatters near Brad’s porch, I knew it had to be him.

Brad had done this.

Even though he didn’t own the street, Brad acted like he controlled the curb during Halloween.

Furious, I marched over to his house and knocked on the door, maybe harder than I should have, but I didn’t care anymore.

“What?” Brad opened the door with his usual smug expression, crossing his arms.

Source: Midjourney

His house was already decorated. There were cobwebs, plastic skeletons, and a witch sitting on a chair. It was all too much.

I wasted no time. “Did you see who egged my car?”

Without blinking, Brad replied, “I did it. Your car was blocking the view of my decorations.”

I stared at him in disbelief. “You egged my car because it was parked in front of your house? You didn’t ask me to move it—you just trashed it?”

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “How can people see my display if your car is in the way?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Are you serious?”

Source: Midjourney

Brad nodded, still looking pleased with himself. “I’m the Halloween King. People come from all over to see my decorations. You’re always parked there. It’s inconsiderate and ruins the vibe.”

I was juggling two newborns, barely holding it together, and he was talking about ruining the vibe?

“Well, sorry if my life interferes with your spooky setup,” I snapped. “I’ve got newborn twins, Brad.”

“I know,” he said, leaning against the doorframe. “Maybe park somewhere else.”

“I park there because it’s easier with the babies and the stroller!”

Brad shrugged again. “Not my problem. You can park there after Halloween.”

I stood there, speechless, my anger boiling inside. But being so tired, I couldn’t even argue anymore.

Source: Midjourney

“Fine,” I snapped, and stormed back inside, shaking with anger and disbelief.

As I washed the egg off my car, something clicked. Brad wasn’t just an annoying neighbor—he was a bully. And I had had enough. If he wanted to play dirty, fine. I could play smarter.

Later that night, while rocking Lily to sleep, an idea hit me. Brad’s weakness was his pride. He needed his haunted house to be the best. I didn’t have the energy for a fight, but revenge? That, I could handle.

The next day, I casually strolled over to Brad’s yard while he was adding more decorations.

Source: Midjourney

“Hey, Brad,” I said, faking cheerfulness. “I’ve been thinking. It was inconsiderate of me to block your display. Have you thought about upgrading it?”

He looked suspicious. “Upgrade?”

“Yeah, with things like fog machines or ghost projectors. Your setup is great, but those would really impress people.”

His eyes lit up. I knew I had him.

I suggested brands I had researched—terrible machines with awful reviews. But he didn’t need to know that.

Source: Midjourney

“You think so?” he asked, already planning his next move.

“Oh, definitely. You’d be the talk of the neighborhood.”

Satisfied, I walked away, waiting for Halloween.

When Halloween night came, Brad’s house looked like a scene from a horror movie. He had gone all out, as I expected.

Crowds gathered to admire his setup, and Brad was in the middle of it, enjoying the attention.

I watched from my porch, feeling like a villain in a movie. His display looked impressive—until it didn’t.

Right on cue, the fog machine sputtered and started spraying water like a garden hose. The crowd gasped, and kids laughed.

Source: Midjourney

Brad rushed to fix it, but then his ghost projector malfunctioned. Instead of a spooky ghost, it showed a strange blob, making the kids laugh even more.

Then, one of his giant inflatables collapsed, rolling across the yard. Some teenagers, seeing the disaster, threw eggs at his house for fun.

Brad was frantic, running around trying to save his haunted house, but it was too late. His Halloween display had turned into a joke.

The next morning, just as I was feeding Lucas, there was a knock at the door. Brad stood there, looking defeated.

“I, uh, wanted to apologize,” he mumbled. “I overreacted.”

I crossed my arms, waiting. “Yeah, you did.”

He shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t realize how hard it must be with the twins. I’m sorry.”

I let him squirm for a bit. “Thanks for apologizing, Brad. I’m sure it won’t happen again.”

He nodded quickly. “It won’t.”

As he turned to leave, I couldn’t help but add, “Funny how things work out, huh?”

Brad had no response.

I Caught My Husband with His Mistress in a Hotel — This Is a Romantic Trip They Will Never Forget

Year after year, he promised that we would go, but life always seemed to get in the way—work obligations, family matters, and an endless parade of excuses.

“I’m sorry, Darling,” he would say. “It’s just that something came up at the office, and I have to attend to it.”

But then, when Tom forgot our 10th wedding anniversary, something inside me snapped.

“I have to leave town for the week,” he said while shaving. “It’s for work. We’re prospecting new clients.”

I had hoped that Tom would have told me to pack my bags and get ready to celebrate our romantic milestone—yet, it slipped his mind entirely.

Enough was enough.

I wasn’t about to be a footnote in my own love story.

So, I called my best friend, Jenny.

“We’re going away for my wedding anniversary!” I said as she answered the call.

“What?” she asked, surprised by my words, I could hear her slurping on her usual smoothie.

“Tom would hate that!”

I explained to her that Tom had to be on a business trip and that I was tired of being alone.

“Pack your bags, Jen,” I told her.

I went straight to my closet and began to pack my bags. I needed this. I needed a moment to myself. I got onto my laptop and booked a hotel. This weekend was going to be a weekend to heal, laugh, and forget the sting of neglect.

The hotel Tom had often raved about was our first stop.

As we stepped into the lobby—a place he described right down to the gilded frames on the walls—my heart raced with anticipation and a twinge of sadness.

I was happy to be here with my best friend, sure. But being with Tom would have made it so much better, with memories that would have lasted a lifetime.

“Let’s check-in and leave our bags,” Jenny said. “And then get some fish and chips from that place you’ve been talking about for the past hour.”

And then I heard it.

Tom’s laugh.

I looked up, across the room, and there he was. My husband, standing across the lobby with his arm wrapped around a woman who was decidedly not me.

The scene was like a punch to the gut. There he was, living our dream with someone else.

My first instinct was to storm across the lobby and confront them. But anger gave way to a colder, sharper strategy.

Ten years of marriage for this? This was Tom’s important business trip?


I pulled out my phone and started filming them discreetly, capturing their intimate laughs, their shared glances—all the things that should have been mine.

“Are you okay, Eliza?” Jenny asked me, oblivious to the scene I had just witnessed.

“Look,” I said, pointing at Tom.

Jenny clasped her hands to her mouth and gasped.

Feeling emboldened, I approached the reception desk.

“I’m Mrs. Cooper,” I said. “You’ll see my husband checked in as Tom Cooper? It’s our anniversary weekend, and I wanted to surprise my husband.”

The woman behind the counter bought it. She beamed at me and told me there would be complimentary couple massages if I could prove we were married.

And then, she gave me the key to his room.

I went in and filmed everything—their clothes strewn about, the champagne on ice, the unmistakable aura of a romantic getaway.

With Jenny’s encouragement, I took to the streets of Bellport. We showed the footage to anyone willing to watch it.

“What do you think of a man who promises a romantic weekend to his wife and then takes his mistress instead?” I asked the locals.

Jenny filmed all their reactions while I spoke. People were shocked, and hurt on my behalf; some were even empathetic.

And as I met more people, it turned out that people didn’t just disapprove of Tom—they shared their stories of betrayal, connecting with my own pain.

Jenny and I went back to our room and ordered room service while she whizzed away on her laptop, turning our footage into a short film.

Forgotten Promises: A Bellport Betrayal.

Then, we uploaded it online—tagging Tom on Facebook.

It went viral overnight. And as the support began to pour in, so did the outrage towards Tom.

When Tom saw the video, he called me, furious.

“Eliza!” he barked. “Take it down! This isn’t fair!”

“It’s too late, Tom,” I replied coolly. “It’s out there now, and it’s the truth.”

Tom went on, airing his grievances through the phone.

“Why doesn’t he just come and find you?” Jenny asked. “We’re in the same hotel.”

I didn’t understand that either. But Tom seemed perfectly fine spending time with his mistress. I knew she was there with him—probably comforting him while he was distressed by my actions.

“I don’t know,” I replied to Jenny.

I cut the call, and Jenny and I took to the streets, ready to eat our feelings away in ice cream.

As we were walking, out of the blue, a travel company reached out to me. They had seen our short film and offered me a job in creating “Truthful Travelogues.”

“You’ll just have to do exactly what you did for your short film,” a woman named Natasha told me. “We’ll send you a laptop so that you can edit on there, too.”

Suddenly, I was more than just another scorned wife who had to suffer in silence and wait to be acknowledged by her husband. Now, I was a storyteller, weaving narratives of authenticity in beautiful locales.

And on the other hand—Tom’s life began to crumble. His professional image soured as colleagues and clients questioned his integrity.

That trip he took to Bellport, meant to be hidden away like a secret, became his public undoing.

His car was even egged by some of the kids who lived on our street—something that he deserved.

Shortly after I returned home, I packed all my belongings and moved in with Jenny. She was single and my constant support—there was nobody else I wanted to reinvent myself with.

Looking back, the trip to Bellport was nothing like I had imagined it would be. Initially, I had wanted it to be a romantic escape with my husband, but then it had turned into a girls’ weekend.

Only for it to become an unraveling of my marriage.

Even now, I’m not completely sure that my actions were the greatest, but at the same time—I needed to do it. I needed to expose Tom for the liar that he was.

And in the end, I needed to empower myself again. I couldn’t keep living in the shadow of Tom’s job and deceit.

Now, I have to try and rebuild my life as a newly single woman ready to get what she deserves.

What would you have done?

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