The fascinating and tragic story of Mary Ann Bevan

The story of Mary Ann Bevan, who was considered ‘The ugliest woman in the world,’ starts in the 19th century, a dark period of the American culture when ‘freak shows,’ traveling circuses showing people with certain deformities and disabilities, were at the peak of their popularity.

Today, it is highly unacceptable to treat people with disabilities with disrespect, but back in the day, no one believed it was morally wrong to dub them freaks.

Mary Ann Bevan was born on December 20, 1874, in Plaistow, East London, United Kingdom. She grew up to become a nurse and was respected by the society. On top of that, she was a very attractive woman who was offered many possibilities.

In 1902, Mary met the love of her life, a man named Thomas Bevan. The two married and welcomed four children together, but their happiness didn’t last long. After 14 years, Thomas passed away, leaving Mary heartbroken.

Her life became difficult as she was left to take care and provide for her children all by herself.

Unfortunately, around the time she turned 32, Mary started experiencing strange symptoms. Her face started changing gradually and she didn’t know what was happening or what caused that change which impacted her both psychologically and financially. Mary’s bones grew big, and her face became deformed. As a result, she lost her job and was unable to provide for her children any longer.

Back in the day, no one could diagnose her, but this poor woman suffered from acromegaly, a hormonal disorder that develops when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone during adulthood, when a change in height doesn’t occur. Instead, the increase in bone size is limited to the bones of the hands, feet and face.

Today, a lot more is knows about this condition and there are ways to keep it under control, which wasn’t the case during the time Mary lived.

Crushed, heartbroken, and poor, this woman saw an ad one day which read, “Wanted: Ugliest woman. Nothing repulsive, maimed or disfigured. Good pay guaranteed, and long engagement for successful applicant. Send recent photograph.”

No matter how awful she felt about this ‘job,’ she saw no way out of her situation. She simply needed to do anything in order to feed her children. Above all, she was a mother.

Mary answered the ad and she was soon contacted by the circus’ agent, a man named Claude Bartram, who later shared Mary’s story.

“She was not repulsive at all. She had the kind of face one usually finds in a giant, a powerful, masculine jaw, prominent cheek-bones, nose and forehead, but she was unblemished, healthy and strong. She told me she did not like the idea of placing herself on exhibition, she was shy and did not want to be separated from her children,” Bartram said, according to Daily Star.

“I told her she would earn £10 per week for a year, travelling expenses and all the money from the sale of picture postcards of herself, so she could provide for the education of her children.”

In no time, magazines were filled with Mary Ann’s photos and everyone recognized her as ‘the ugliest woman on Earth.’

Her popularity brought her to the Dreamland Circus in Coney Island, New York, one of the most famous circuses there were. Mary Ann became an attraction, but then a doctor named Harvey Cushing, a leading neurosurgeon, spotted her and knew there was more behind ger huge face that he wanted to explore thoroughly.

“This unfortunate woman who sits in the sideshow of Ringling Brothers ‘between Fat Lady and Armless Wonder’ and ‘affects white lace hats, woollen mittens and high laced shoes’ has a story which is far from mirth-provoking.

“She, previously a vigorous and good-looking young woman, has become the victim of a disease known as acromegaly,” he wrote in a letter to Time magazine.

Coney Island, Dreamland Circus Show

Mary Ann spent her life working at the circus and she was reported to have earned a small fortune which enabled her to send her children back to England where they attended boarding schools.

She endured a lot, but she did it all for her children.

Mary Ann died at the age of 59 of natural causes. Her final wish was to be buried in her homeland, England, and her children fulfilled her wish. She is resting at the Ladywell and Brockley Cemetery in South London.

This woman’s sad, yet fascinating life story speaks of the mother’s love for her children more than anything else.

My Daughter Completely Forgot About My 90th Birthday

Hi there, this is Patty. I can declare with confidence that I have had a great and happy life after 90 wonderful years. Since my husband passed away a few years ago, Angie, my daughter, and I have mostly been spending our time together.

I was ecstatic as my ninetieth birthday approached. My daughter had assured me that she would come see me and spend the day with my grandchildren.

Imagining my grandchildren brings me constant joy. It reminds me of the times when my spouse and I raised Angie. My grandchildren remind me of those special occasions because they look so much like her.

They also have a father who looks like Angie’s ex-husband, John. I loved John so much that I was devastated by their split. The closest thing I’ve ever had to a son was John. He had a big heart and was friendly. He still sends me a Christmas card every year, even now. While I had hoped for John and Angie to be back together, life has other ideas.

When my birthday finally arrived, I was overjoyed. But as the day went on, my enthusiasm gave way to anxiety. It was getting close to lunchtime, and Angie had not responded to me. I called her multiple times, but she didn’t pick up.

When I tried to call Angie again, the call went straight to voicemail. Since she was driving, I thought she wouldn’t be able to respond. But as time went on, it became evident that, like many other days, I would be spending this birthday alone.

I was about to give up when someone rang the doorbell. If my knees weren’t so weak, I would have immediately jumped up in excitement. I was quite happy with my birthday present from Angie and the kids, since it had been a long time.

My heart fell when I saw a manly figure through the glass of the entrance. When I answered the door, I saw a happy John with gifts and flowers in his hands.

“Happy Birthday, Mom!” He gave a kind greeting.

“John? Oh, you didn’t have to,” I said, startled and happy at the same time.

“A small token to honor your amazing day,” John stated as he passed the presents.

Is that the chocolate of my dreams? You remembered, huh? My cheeks flushed with joy as I exclaimed.

How could I overlook that? It’s all you ever eat,” John laughed in response.

You’re overly charming. Could you come to supper with me? Asking him to come in, I did.

Oh no. Not that I would want to bother. You must have plans. John answered modestly, “I just wanted to drop off your presents and see your gorgeous self.

“That’s absurd! I would like the company, and I don’t have anything planned. I insisted, “Plus, I’m making apple pie.”

“Pineapple pie? John chuckled as he entered, “You ought to have led with that.”

John, like my late spouse, is an amazing chef. John did the majority of the cooking while we were together during the day. I was just happy to have the company. It was during supper that John finally inquired about Angie.

Will Angie and the children be joining us then? I would really like not think that I was ambushing her or doing anything similar. Although I really didn’t plan to remain, I’m pleased I did, John remarked.

“That’s absurd! We are family since you are my grandchildren’s father. And unfortunately, I don’t think Angie will come with us today,” I sadly said.

“Oh, that’s disappointing to hear. John said, “You shouldn’t spend your birthday by yourself.

“I’m not alone now, son, thanks to you,” I murmured, taking hold of his hand. “John, thank you.”

“No issue. Would you mind telling me why she didn’t come? or the children, at any rate? They enjoy having time with you, John continued.

“They were meant to arrive, but Angie won’t take my calls. I genuinely don’t know what transpired, but I have no doubt she will contact me again,” I remarked.

“I don’t know what’s going on with her, but she ought to at least drop the kids off. I’m going to call her,” John urged.

To my astonishment, Angie answered the phone when John called her. John later explained to me the reason behind my daughter’s birthday stand-up.

As it happens, the kids, Angie, and her new boyfriend are all on vacation. She kept it from everyone! John told me, clearly distressed.

“Trip? Did she not inform anyone, too? Why would she act in such way? I enquired.

“Patty, your guess is as good as mine. How can she get away with taking my kids and without saying anything? John replied, looking just as confused.

Oh no. This is really disheartening. Furthermore, who is this man? I was even more perplexed as I answered, “I had no idea Angie had a boyfriend.

She had made a casual reference, but an entire vacation? It seems that they had been organizing it for approximately a month. I apologize, Patty, but I think your daughter went too far this time, John stated in a frustrated tone.

I unhappily answered, “Yes, this is disappointing.”

I was shocked to hear the news. Angie could have at least informed me that she wouldn’t be available. I spoke with Angie later. The damage was done, but she said she would see the kids as soon as possible. I was truly saddened, but I will always adore my daughter.

John’s presence thankfully lessened the blow. But Angie’s actions caused a serious wound. I don’t know how to trust her at this point. How should I respond in this circumstance?

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