20 Times a Haircut Has Changed Someone Beyond Recognition

Change can be a beautiful thing — especially when it comes to your hair. It’s completely captivating to see a hairdressers artistry take someone’s hair from outdated to cool. They prove how something as simple as a haircut can change someone’s appearance from caring to daring, or from slouchy to chic.

Check out the following 20 hair transformations found by the Bright Side team and who knows… maybe they inspire you to also get a new ’do yourself!

1. “My wife told me ’you’ve had your fun, now cut your hair!’”

2. “Before and after, 10 inches of hair donated!!”

3. Both styles look very good on her!

4. “Gave all my hair to Locks of Love.”

5. “I also cut off and donated most of my hair.”

6. First cut in nearly four years.

7. “From straightening my hair every day to finding out that THIS was possible!”

8. “My beard and hair transformation — 2009/2019”

9. “Took the plunge today and cut it all off!”

10. “Before and after: big chop and new routine”

11. “Just donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.”

12. “From damaged and over processed because I wanted blonde curls so bad, to embracing my natural dark hair!”

13. “I saw my daughter’s beautiful curls start to form, I knew that the only way she would truly love her hair is if I loved mine too.”

14. “Got the job of my life, so I chopped off my hair.”

15. “Donating my hair to Locks of Love!”

16. “After my bass was stolen, I cut all my hair off, sold it for $900, donated $450 to Locks of Love, and bought a new bass with the rest.”

17. “Cut my hair yesterday. I now have 4, 12” ponytails to donate.”

18. “Cut off my hair for locks of love.”

19. “Kind of a reverse transformation, I kicked my obsession with modifying my hair and finally let it grow out natural and healthy!”


20. “Long hair to short hair, before and after”

If you were to have a hair makeover, what style would you choose? Share your own OMG-worthy hair transformation in the comments!

14 Photos That Are Literally Screaming for Help

“I used to stand before the mirror and look deep into my unhappy eyes, sigh and say, ‘Oh cruel fate!’ And in a few minutes, I felt a little bit better.” This is what Moominpappa used to say. Sometimes life presents us with challenges that are difficult to get through, and this practice can actually help.

Bright Side has prepared a collection of situations in which this small exercise could help us to look at the future with optimism.

1. Oh, no, no, no…

2. Well, now it’s pizza time!

3. Maybe rent will be a bit lower now?

4. When you aren’t careful enough:

5. This ice cream came without a cone.

6. Yes, these are peanuts in a Coca-Cola bottle.

7. My view from the top of Machu Picchu Mountain and what the view could have been:

8. At least they found what they were looking for.

9. Now I know what a bottomless cup of coffee looks like.

10. Just got to my therapy appointment. It seems to be off to a bad start…

11. Don’t blame him. He hasn’t finished the book yet.

12. Spice up your life!

13. “Our youngest son has a taste for irony.”

14. “I just built a new house for myself.”

Are you upset when you fail to do something or when unexpectedly bad days sneak up on you? Do you think Moominpappa’s advice can help with this? Share your stories with us!

Preview photo credit IsProbablyLying4 / Reddit

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